专家说.S. Manufacturers and Surface Finishers Should Prepare for Reshoring of Medical Equipment and Parts With an Eye on 用电解法抛光ing

The recent pandemic crisis has brought a renewed call for more medical equipment to be produced in the United States, which could result in an enormous amount of industrial manufacturing opportunities, including for those surface finishers who specialize in electropolishing.


史蒂文·拜尔斯, 博士学位, a senior economist for the Coalition for a Prosperous America who worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry for many years, says in a new report that reshoring health care production programs to the U.S. 可以创建/ 1.创造100万个就业岗位,同时增加2540亿美元的GDP. While a majority of that would come from reshoring the manufacturing of personal protective equipment (PPE), there is also a call for having medical equipment and 外科手术 supplies manufactured in the U.S.
“It is becoming widely apparent that outsourcing the production of huge parts of our medical equipment and supplies to foreign countries was a disastrous mistake,博士说。. 拜尔. “In the aftermath there will be growing resolve to bring back large volumes of production to the US.”
在博士撰写的报告中. 拜尔 and Jeff Ferry from CPA titled “We Need More Equipment and We Need It Now,作者报告说,在过去的20年里, large healthcare multinationals outsourced production primarily to Asia. 根据美国.S. 美国人口普查局.S. 进口27美元.60亿的医疗费用, 外科手术, 2019年牙科或兽医器械和部件, 与2000年相比增长了406%.
Many of those medical instruments and parts require precise manufacturing tolerances, 杰夫·戴维斯说, senior vice president business development and distribution at Hubbard-Hall, which is often why electropolishing is needed for a precision finish.
“用电解法抛光ing replaces traditional mechanical treatments such as milling, 爆破, 磨, 和抛光,戴维斯说. “It is an excellent procedure to streamline and smoothen microscopic surfaces, 它减少了劳动密集型操作. The reshoring efforts could be a real boost to finishing shops who don’t have the process in their line-up and want to start offering it to grab new business.”
迈克·瓦伦蒂, Hubbard-Hall’s product manager for cleaners and non-ferrous surface preparation, says electropolishing is an anodic treatment of parts that are fully immersed in a special acidic electrolyte. 他说辅助设备,比如公交车, 加热器, 阳极和阴极棒, DC rectifiers and agitation — are all similar to those used in traditional electroplating.
“It is essentially a controlled, accelerated corrosion of the part,瓦伦蒂说. “But it can be tricky for some finishers who may not have experience in the electropolishing process. Optimum results can be achieved with the traditional operating parameters of current, 时间和温度, but operators need to pay close attention to bath chemistry, 货架, 定位, 还有部分到阴极的距离.”
As current is passed through the part during electropolishing, metal is dissolved from the surface at a rate dependent on the current density applied, 还有电解质的温度. Valenti says metal is removed more rapidly from the high points of the metal surface, which produces the effect of smoothening and brightening the metal surface. This preferential metal removal rate also permits the electropolishing process to be effectively utilized for the deburring of metals by removing surface inclusions, surface skin and through the formation of anodic oxide film, which increases the corrosion resistance and passivity of the metal, as well as serving to reduce surface stresses and strains.
瑞安卡塔尼亚, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场技术服务工程师, who specializes in electropolishing and works with many of the top finishing operations in North America, says the process is especially effective on medical instruments and parts because polishing and deburring are accomplished in a single step, 并允许更大的批量加工零件.


“What you get is a clean, even surface finish that is very passive,” Catania says. “这是最好的表面抛光方法之一, and sterilization is enhanced for medical and pharmaceutical applications.”
A typical electropolishing line cycle is similar to other plating operations, and includes:
1. 脱脂/水清洁
2. 水冲洗
3. 除垢(如有必要)
4. 水冲洗
5. 用电解法抛光
6. 水冲洗
7. 水冲洗
8. 必要时进行中和
9. 水冲洗
10. 干
The Hubbard-Hall team is preparing to help those surface finishers who want to take advantage of the possible high level of reshoring that could occur if manufacturers bring the production work back to the U.S. The company offers numerous chemistries for electropolishing, but more importantly also offers the technical expertise to help shops get an electropolishing line up and fully functional in an efficient manner.
“不幸的是, 如果涂抹者不知道他们在做什么, 他们的生产线很快就会出问题,瓦伦蒂说. “是的, 我们出售用于电解抛光的化学品, but we also provide the expertise to get a line ready and to get it running at the highest level. We are very committed to helping our customers reach the level of expectations that come with electropolishing.”







Excerpt: The recent pandemic crisis has brought a renewed call for more medical equipment to be produced in the United States, which could result in an enormous amount of industrial manufacturing opportunities, including for those surface finishers who specialize in electropolishing.

The recent pandemic crisis has brought a renewed call for more medical equipment to be produced in the United States, which could result in an enormous amount of industrial manufacturing opportunities, including for those surface finishers who specialize in electropolishing.


史蒂文·拜尔斯, 博士学位, a senior economist for the Coalition for a Prosperous America who worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry for many years, says in a new report that reshoring health care production programs to the U.S. 可以创建/ 1.创造100万个就业岗位,同时增加2540亿美元的GDP. While a majority of that would come from reshoring the manufacturing of personal protective equipment (PPE), there is also a call for having medical equipment and 外科手术 supplies manufactured in the U.S.
“It is becoming widely apparent that outsourcing the production of huge parts of our medical equipment and supplies to foreign countries was a disastrous mistake,博士说。. 拜尔. “In the aftermath there will be growing resolve to bring back large volumes of production to the US.”
在博士撰写的报告中. 拜尔 and Jeff Ferry from CPA titled “We Need More Equipment and We Need It Now,作者报告说,在过去的20年里, large healthcare multinationals outsourced production primarily to Asia. 根据美国.S. 美国人口普查局.S. 进口27美元.60亿的医疗费用, 外科手术, 2019年牙科或兽医器械和部件, 与2000年相比增长了406%.
Many of those medical instruments and parts require precise manufacturing tolerances, 杰夫·戴维斯说, senior vice president business development and distribution at Hubbard-Hall, which is often why electropolishing is needed for a precision finish.
“用电解法抛光ing replaces traditional mechanical treatments such as milling, 爆破, 磨, 和抛光,戴维斯说. “It is an excellent procedure to streamline and smoothen microscopic surfaces, 它减少了劳动密集型操作. The reshoring efforts could be a real boost to finishing shops who don’t have the process in their line-up and want to start offering it to grab new business.”
迈克·瓦伦蒂, Hubbard-Hall’s product manager for cleaners and non-ferrous surface preparation, says electropolishing is an anodic treatment of parts that are fully immersed in a special acidic electrolyte. 他说辅助设备,比如公交车, 加热器, 阳极和阴极棒, DC rectifiers and agitation — are all similar to those used in traditional electroplating.
“It is essentially a controlled, accelerated corrosion of the part,瓦伦蒂说. “But it can be tricky for some finishers who may not have experience in the electropolishing process. Optimum results can be achieved with the traditional operating parameters of current, 时间和温度, but operators need to pay close attention to bath chemistry, 货架, 定位, 还有部分到阴极的距离.”
As current is passed through the part during electropolishing, metal is dissolved from the surface at a rate dependent on the current density applied, 还有电解质的温度. Valenti says metal is removed more rapidly from the high points of the metal surface, which produces the effect of smoothening and brightening the metal surface. This preferential metal removal rate also permits the electropolishing process to be effectively utilized for the deburring of metals by removing surface inclusions, surface skin and through the formation of anodic oxide film, which increases the corrosion resistance and passivity of the metal, as well as serving to reduce surface stresses and strains.
瑞安卡塔尼亚, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场技术服务工程师, who specializes in electropolishing and works with many of the top finishing operations in North America, says the process is especially effective on medical instruments and parts because polishing and deburring are accomplished in a single step, 并允许更大的批量加工零件.


“What you get is a clean, even surface finish that is very passive,” Catania says. “这是最好的表面抛光方法之一, and sterilization is enhanced for medical and pharmaceutical applications.”
A typical electropolishing line cycle is similar to other plating operations, and includes:
1. 脱脂/水清洁
2. 水冲洗
3. 除垢(如有必要)
4. 水冲洗
5. 用电解法抛光
6. 水冲洗
7. 水冲洗
8. 必要时进行中和
9. 水冲洗
10. 干
The Hubbard-Hall team is preparing to help those surface finishers who want to take advantage of the possible high level of reshoring that could occur if manufacturers bring the production work back to the U.S. The company offers numerous chemistries for electropolishing, but more importantly also offers the technical expertise to help shops get an electropolishing line up and fully functional in an efficient manner.
“不幸的是, 如果涂抹者不知道他们在做什么, 他们的生产线很快就会出问题,瓦伦蒂说. “是的, 我们出售用于电解抛光的化学品, but we also provide the expertise to get a line ready and to get it running at the highest level. We are very committed to helping our customers reach the level of expectations that come with electropolishing.”